"Людина, яка володіє 10 мовами, володіє 10 світами."
Девіз Євроклубу "Поліглот"

Всеукраїнський Конкурс Освітніх Сайтів
Видавництво "Шкільний світ" підбило підсумки Всеукраїнського конкурсу на найкращий авторський освітній інтернет-сайт.
У номінації учителів французької мови блог "Євроклуб "Поліглот" визначено переможцем.
Читайте детальніше! Джерело: Видавництво "Шкільний світ"
За інформацією МОН УкраїниСвітлина від Миколи Ручки.

четверг, 27 сентября 2012 г.

Наші щирі вітання

Дорогі вчителі!
Вітаємо Вас з вашим професійним святом!
 Нехай Вам завжди всміхається доля, дарує Вам міцне здоров'я та довголіття. Від імені ваших учнів бажаємо Вам здійснення найзаповітніших мрій, а також щоб у ваших родинах завжди панували тепло, радість та затишок. Пам'ятайте, що без Вас цей світ буде набагато гіршим, адже саме освітяни дають надію людству на подальший розвиток!

Тим, хто пізнати добро допоміг,
Тим, хто відкрив для нас тайни доріг,
Тим, хто нам крила дарує щодня,
Тим, хто відкрив нам жагу пізнання
Тим, чия праця важка, непроста,
Тим, чиє слово добром пророста,
Тим, хто відкрив нам науки світання
 Наші святкові і щирі вітання!
Вам ця чудова пісня!


Diana Migrin  
Summer, summer, summer… It has gone…It was the best summer I have ever had! l spent it with pleasure. When school year was finished l left home and went to an amazing country, the country of roses, Bulgaria. l have never been to any foreign countries before and it was my first practice. That’s why l was interested in my journey. l packed my bags and took only the most necessary things. l with my elder sister and a group of some students travelled by plain. We flew by plain for 1.20. It was really cool. Imagine: you are going to spend summer in another country with youth without parents, you can do everything you want! Everything!!! By the end of the day we got very tired. We lived not in the best hotel on the beach but it wasn’t much important for me than my company. The sea was not calm and warm. It was with big waves and water was cold. l liked dipping and my sister was not afraid to get sunburnt she had a dip only five times. We lived in one of the best rooms of our hotel. We enjoyed our time and, when the sea was calm, admired the beauty of sea. Every evening we spent together: visited a lot of cafes, night clubs, discotheques and one day went on an excursion. l said earlie that l was with group of students but when we got acquainted with foreigners only l and one girl could speak with them. lt was, of course, pleasure for me but not so good for reputation of Ukraine.                                                 lt was my first practice with  English-speaking people. lt was really cool.
But to our regret we had to leave. Our vocation was coming to the end. lt was unforgettable and marvelous summer. When we returned homes l was satisfied, besides we made pictures to remember our holidays at the shore of the Black Sea.
(As was mentioned in text before l got acquainted with one boy and he told me a lot about his country and city he lives in and it was the reason for making a short film about Donetsk. It is not my native city but l am proud that l live here very much. People from all continents watched this movie. And the majority of them wrote that it was a good work. That is why l decided to present it to you too.)

 Vadim Lidich
Sharing the expressions about Euro 2012
It all started in year 2008 when administration of UEFA decided that Ukraine is good enough to host Football Euro Championship. It was rather difficult to realize that few years later Ukraine would be the center of International Football and all the Euro countries would come and stay in Ukraine, participating in football matches… 
Nobody has even dreamt of it, but everyone realized the pressure and responsibility would be on Ukraine.  We had so much to do, so many things to improve, so many infrastructural objects to build and reconstruct, so many streets, boards, names to translate into English… It was looked like everybody even forgot about economical and political problems in the country…