"Людина, яка володіє 10 мовами, володіє 10 світами."
Девіз Євроклубу "Поліглот"

Всеукраїнський Конкурс Освітніх Сайтів
Видавництво "Шкільний світ" підбило підсумки Всеукраїнського конкурсу на найкращий авторський освітній інтернет-сайт.
У номінації учителів французької мови блог "Євроклуб "Поліглот" визначено переможцем.
Читайте детальніше! Джерело: Видавництво "Шкільний світ"
За інформацією МОН УкраїниСвітлина від Миколи Ручки.

четверг, 3 мая 2012 г.

Spring French Song and Poem in the lyceum

The regular yearly contest of Spring French Song and Poem was spent in the lyceum at DonNU. In that sunning day in the classroom number 105 the most resolute and capable students demonstrated their skills in French and showed their abilities in telling poems. A few of them shone with a great talent in singing. The jury contained first year students of DonNU, Faculty of Foreign Languages, who appreciated contestants in different ways. They took into account a pronunciation, emotional expressions, abilities to sing. It was hard to single out somebody definite because all the contestants showed high level of their erudition and artistic talent. However, the best were chosen and awarded. Many lyceum pupils displayed their flair for languages, especially for French. It was surprising that the pupils of different departments made up their minds to take the stage and show their good features and qualities. Some of them were pupils of Chemist Department and could get high enough mark. Biologists and mathematicians performed French poems and songs well, i. e. showed their knowledge in foreign languages. Ukrainians and Historians didn`t lack behind and could compete with the other departments in telling French poems and singing French songs. In fact, such contest is a good opportunity for pupils to fight for win and prove themselves. Due to such contests at lyceum pupils develop their skills at languages and, of course, they develop themselves.
                                             Anna Kulikova

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